“Tilting Time” Expo Online “Tilting
Time” aandacht voor de bijzondere foto’s van Raoul Sagal (UK)
During his childhood Raoul use to draw and paint with
oil colours and his artistic skills were spotted at school where he was
considered a talented painter/artist. Later on he won the Tel Aviv Museum youth
award for one of his paintings representing his school. During these childhood
days, Raoul sold one of his painting to an art collector and used the money to
finance a trip abroad. It was an honour for him to see his painting on the wall
next to established and famous artists.
After university Raoul spent two years in south East
Asia traveling with a backpack during which he met his English wife on an
island in the gulf of Thailand. Raoul now lives with his wife and 3 sons in
London and although his main business is jewellery, his two passions are music
and photography.
“I like to take pictures and as I travel a lot for business as well as for leisure I feel ‘naked’ unless I have my camera with me. I am not a professional photographer
and never studied photography. I guess that to take a good picture one needs a good eye (as if to see something within something) and instincts. But most
importantly good light! I am not sure what pushed me to take any of my pictures but I can see ‘frames’ and I just go for it. For sure, a good camera would help
but some of my pictures were actually taken with a mobile phone or a pocket camera. For me taking pictures is another way of painting.”
“I like to take pictures and as I travel a lot for business as well as for leisure I feel ‘naked’ unless I have my camera with me. I am not a professional photographer
and never studied photography. I guess that to take a good picture one needs a good eye (as if to see something within something) and instincts. But most
importantly good light! I am not sure what pushed me to take any of my pictures but I can see ‘frames’ and I just go for it. For sure, a good camera would help
but some of my pictures were actually taken with a mobile phone or a pocket camera. For me taking pictures is another way of painting.”
Momenteel zit de mensheid
in een snelle verandering van de tijd, die zich op allerlei vlakken
manifesteert. Midden in een digitale revolutie waarmee men, of je het wilt of
niet, mee te maken krijgt.
blijven er ankerpunten waaraan de veranderingen aan voorbij lijken te gaan.
Waar oud en nieuw als een symbiose elkaar verdragen of de
confrontatie aangaan. Het scherp fotografisch oog van Raoul Sagal legt dit
in beelden vast met als uitgangspunt streetviews/ huizen/gebouwen in de
leefomgeving met opnames in New York, Tel Aviv, Barcelona, London, Florence en
Gebouwen staan als
stille getuigen midden in de tijdsveranderingen. Gebruikers van bebouwde
ruimtes letten vaak niet op de tegenstelling die zich qua plaats of
architectonische uitstraling bij gebouwen, huizen, kerken, bedrijfscomplexen
voordoen. Deze serie foto’s van Raoul Sagal laat zien hoe oude
vervallen huizen als het ware geplakt zijn tegen moderne, grote flatgebouwen.
Al jaren in dezelfde staat en verwaarloosd in onderhoud. Tegenstellingen
met verleden en heden
I am not sure where the inspiration for my
photography is coming from as I do not plan. I assume I observe the landscape
around me wherever I am, and can “see” or spot a picture by zooming into
a space which to my mind tells a story. Sometimes a small space taken
out from the whole landscape around us is enough to tell a story. Same like
when I used to paint….when I started a painting, normally it started without a
specific idea but I guess according to some factors such as my mood, influences
etc. of that moment led into drawing something from my imagination. When
walking around and looking around me I can see “paintings” only all I have to do
is zoom my camera to create the right frame and sometimes the result could be
Ieder moment neemt afscheid van het vorige, ieder moment nemen we afscheid van een deel van onze toekomst,
die even heden wordt, waarna we weer afscheid van dat moment van heden nemen, dat verleden wordt, en zo voort ………………….. En ook iedere nieuwe ontwikkeling in een mensenleven is te zien als het afscheid nemen van het oude leven ……………………..
die even heden wordt, waarna we weer afscheid van dat moment van heden nemen, dat verleden wordt, en zo voort ………………….. En ook iedere nieuwe ontwikkeling in een mensenleven is te zien als het afscheid nemen van het oude leven ……………………..
Every moment says farewell to the last, every time we say goodbye to a part of our future, for a moment present,
after which we say goodbye to that time, that is history, and so on ..................... And every new development in human life is seen as saying goodbye to the old life ........................
after which we say goodbye to that time, that is history, and so on ..................... And every new development in human life is seen as saying goodbye to the old life ........................
Citation A. Danzig (1995)